Tag Archives: Chronicles Of a Venetian

Aerial Chronicles Of a Venetian 8

The BASE Witch Project – Jumping Off Cliff to ESCAPE Death?


Who knows what beasts lurk in the hills of Lauterbrunnen – all we know is Vladimir Spigler would rather take his chances falling to the earth at breakneck speed than face this monster. There are lots of things to be afraid of out there, and some of those things are unexplained, obscure forces of the darkness… some are gassy monsters who’ve probably drunk too much champagne. But could a love for BASE jumping save Vladimir’s life? Can BASE jumping deliver him from evil in time or will he be eaten up by a gassy monster? Find out now… The BASE Witch Project – Jumping Off Cliff to ESCAPE Death? | Aerial Chronicles of a Venetian, Ep. 8
Athletes – Vladimir Spigler, Alexander Edbom
Location – Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland